Legal notice and cookies

Director of publication

Jacques LAFAIT

Site host :

Cnrs UPS76 Inist
Identifiant SIRET : 180 089 013 03373
2, rue Jean Zay  F-54519 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Tél : +33 (0)3 83 50 46 00


The CNRS cannot in any way be held liable for the content of the information contained on this site or for any consequences arising from their use or interpretation.

Cookies and statistics

With the aim of adapting the site according to visitor requests, the number of visits, pages viewed, visitor activity on the site and how frequently visitors return, is recorded.
Piwik, the statistics tool used by the Inist-CNRS, generates a cookie with a unique identifier which is conserved for a maximum of 13 months.
We also record your IP address to determine which town you are signing in from. This is then immediately made anonymous so the Inist-CNRS can by no means use this information to trace an individual.
This data shall neither be disclosed to third parties nor used for any other purpose. You can modify your browser’s settings so that it advises you of the presence of cookies and you can then choose to accept them or not.
You can accept or refuse the cookies on a case-by-case basis or reject them definitively. However this choice of setting is likely to modify your conditions of access to the site as it requires the use of cookies.
Settings for cookies are different for each browser and these are generally described in the help menus.

En poursuivant votre navigation, sans modifier vos paramètres, vous acceptez l'utilisation et le dépôt de cookies destinés à mesurer la fréquentation du site grâce au logiciel Matomo.
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